Hi! My name is Kristina Drole. I have a Master's degree in kinesiology and I'm a personal trainer. I'm here to help you reach your goals quickly and safely.
Position yourself and hold poses correctly. Adjust the tempo and amount of repetitions to your abilities.
Activate your core in order to maintain balance and protect your back.
After every 20 seconds of exercising, take a 10-second break.
Once you complete a cycle of exercises, repeat them once or twice.
EXERCISE NO.1: Alternating Chair Step-Ups

Make sure to use a stable chair that's not too high. Repeat for 20 seconds, adjusting the pace and number of repetitions according to your abilities, then take a 10-second break. This exercise is great for increasing heart rate, preparing your body for exercising and for strengthening leg muscles.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2

Place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width and turn your feet slightly outwards. With your back straight, lower yourself into a position similar to sitting in a chair. Make sure your knees are contracting in the same directing your feet are facing - push the elastic band outward and make sure your heels are firmly placed on the floor.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2

Step back into a lunge and lower the back knee towards the floor. Make sure your back is straight and that the knees are bending toward your feet. Repeat the motion for 20 seconds, pause for a 10-second break and then repeat the exercise with the alternate foot.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2
EXERCISE NO.4: Squat Jumps

Place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width and rotate your feet slightly outwards. Squat, explode into a jump and then return to starting position. Make sure to keep your knees bent in the direction of your feet - push the elastic outward as you stretch and compress your abs.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2
EXERCISE NO.5: Hip Lifts

Start the exercise by lying on your back with the knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hips by pressing your heels into the floor and pressing the glutes upwards. Stretch the elastic band slightly outwards. Be careful not to lift your hips too high or to position your knees inward.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2

Place the elastic band between your upper-arms. Position yourself in the half push-up position, with the wrists positioned directly under the shoulders. Activate your core and bend the elbows to lower yourself. Return to starting position and repeat. Make sure you lower your chest between your palms and keep your core active so that your torso remains straight.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2
EXERCISE NO.7: Quadruped Leg Raises

Start on all fours. The upper body is straight, the wrists are placed below the shoulders and the knees are directly below the hips. Lift your knees 2 centimetres off the floor and push the elastic outward. Make sure you maintain the correct position and that your back is straight throughout.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2
EXERCISE NO.8: Side Steps

Start in a crouching position. Take a couple of side steps to one side and then to the other. Make sure your knees aren't facing inward - push the elastic band outward with each step, keeping the squatting position as low as possible.
Duration: 20 seconds
Rest before the next exercise: 10 seconds
Repetitions: 1-2